Behind the Scenes: Page 300
Page 300?
Elizabeth the Compunctious is not going to be a short webcomic. Current plans put the series at 400-500 pages across multiple “books”. This might not be page 300 exactly, it could be 310 or 293… or it might not even happen as the story changes over time. But right now this is the outline for around page 300.
On this page Elizabeth, now about age 13, has just defeated a bad guy with the assistance of the Ricochet. The platforms are collapsing, and the instability of the platforms sends Elizabeth and the Ricochet falling.
As they fall to their deaths without the wand the Ricochet tries to save them with her necklace. It’s damaged, but it seems to work well enough to shield them from the impact. If you really know your comic lore then you might be able to figure out how the Ricochet can be in a solid corporal form without the necklace keeping her together…. but I won’t spoil that by confirming your suspicions.
If her magic were working like normal then that landing would have been smooth, but with the Ricochet being barely able to shield herself and Elizabeth she doesn’t have enough power to stop them from rolling down the hillside. The shield destroys trees and rocks on contact, leaving a ton of damage behind them. Luckily, they both seem to survive the roll down the hill. But can Elizabeth find her wand?
We’ll just have to wait for the final pages to find out! Assuming 2 pages a week, that’s only, oh, 124 weeks from now…